Friday, January 13, 2012

Today's Jokes by Wendel Potter


New York Philharmonic conductor Alan Gilbert stopped a performance of Mahler's Ninth Symphony after an audience member's cell phone rang repeatedly.  Gilbert was really annoyed because the ring tone was also Mahler's Ninth Symphony and sounded a whole lot better than the Philharmonic.

In Washington, DC, Burger King now delivers.  Of course, the politicians in Washington have been delivering whoppers for years.

Can you imagine how long a Burger King delivery person will have to stand around and wait while John Boehner tries to figure out which congressman ordered what and how much they each owe?

There's talk that Lindsay Lohan will play Elizabeth Taylor in a new Lifetime Network movie.  The big difference there is that Liz's jewelry was paid for.

A tortoise that was thought to be extinct as far back as 150 years ago has reappeared.  And he came in second in the New Hampshire primary!

Wal-mart is now offering free tax advice in many of its stores.  That's can barely get someone at Wal-mart to tell you which aisle the bread is in.

A study reports that America's obesity rate dropped last year.  Of course, the death rate among fat people rose last year.

300 Chinese workers gathered on a rooftop and threatened to jump if working conditions were not improved.   Their employer was not about to call their bluff.   To show his concern,  he stationed 300 other workers on the sidewalk below to help break their fall.

Did you know that Americans over 65 binge drink more than any other group?   It's the only way to get rid of that Metamucil after taste.

McDonald's is trying something in the United Kingdom next month.  The toy in a kids' Happy Meal will be replaced by a book.  Well, I guess if McDonald's wants to experiment in riot control, the UK is as good a place to start as any.

A new book about Mitt Romney will be out next week.  It's called "The Real Romney".   It's quite interesting....Mitt's life story ends halfway through the book, so then you flip it over and start reading the other half, which is the complete opposite of the first one.

..........thanks for reading!


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