Friday, January 6, 2012

Today's Jokes by Wendel Potter


New England Patriots' offensive coordinator Bill O'Brien will be the new head football coach at Penn State.  O'Brien's not taking any chances.  He's replacing the shower room with a chapel.

The Patriots' owner, Robert Kraft said,  "Billy is a very high quality guy, he’s got integrity, he’s honest, and I’m sad to see him go."  The name Kraft is known for spreading it on pretty thick.

Justin Bieber was spotted on a beach sporting a Jesus tattoo on his leg.  It's quite impressive. Jesus is wearing a Tim Tebow jersey.

According to a Time magazine poll, most Americans would choose Tim Tebow as a celebrity neighbor.  They said they wouldn't even mind those hash marks on his front lawn.

Can you imagine living next door to Tim Tebow?  Oh sure, things would be quiet, but every time he stepped outside, the light from his halo would blind you.

Tim Tebow's jersey is 2nd among the NFL's highest selling jerseys.  The 1st and 3rd best sellers are Aaron Rodgers and Troy Polamalu...or as Tebow likes to think of them, the Father and the Holy Spirit. 

Drew Brees came in 4th, but then he's only a Saint.

And there's reports of a vote count discrepancy in one rural Iowa district that could change the outcome of the Iowa caucus and would give the win to Rick Santorum.  It turns out that one of the officials counting the votes only has nine toes and this may have led to the miscount.

.....Happy Friday and thanks for reading!



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