Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Today's Jokes by Wendel Potter


Yesterday was the Iowa Caucus, or as it's also known, the GOP Capitalist One Bowl.

The Iowa Caucus doesn't allow absentee voting.....absentee, that's what every kid in Iowa dreams of becoming.

In Iowa,  political machinery is the John Deere tractor they use to mow the grass around the governor's mansion.

Mitt Romney won the Iowa Caucus.  Actually, his name was on the ballot twice.  Iowans had their choice of which Mitt Romney they wanted to vote for.

Romney beat Rick Santorum by eight votes.  Eight votes....that was close.  To a Mormon, that's like barely winning by an Osmond family.

After a poor showing in Iowa,  Michele Bachmann announced that she's quitting the race.  Later, she stopped by a department store in Des Moines to return her turtleneck sweaters and tortoise shell glasses.

Bachmann made her announcement this morning on an Iowa farm.  After listening to her speech, the ghosts of failed Republican politicians disappeared into the cornfield.

Ron Paul picked up only three delegates in Iowa, but now it's on to New Hampshire where his wife, Mrs. Paul, says there are bigger fish to fry. 

Things are getting back to normal today in Iowa.  Volunteers at the polling places have just finished sharpening the pencil stubs for the next election.

And on a final note, the price of a Powerball lottery ticket will double to $2 beginning January 15th.  The increase is due to the rising demand of American middle class dreaming.

........that's all for now.....thanks for reading!


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