Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Today's Jokes by Wendel Potter


Daryl Hannah was arrested outside the White House while taking part in a protest against that proposed oil pipeline.   Just the other day she was telling her agent, "You've got to do something.  I can't get film roles anymore.  Hell,   I can't even get arrested!"

By the way, Daryl's agent called her last night and said, "Have you seen the papers?  I told you we'd make a splash!"

Daryl was protesting because the oil pipeline could possibly leak into the nation's waterways and pose a threat against mermaids.

The police had a problem with Daryl.  The handcuffs kept sliding off her fins.

Washington Police Fish Dayrl Hannah
Out of Potomac

Well, she showed those cops!   She let out a screech that blew the windows out of the paddy wagon.

Daryl Hannah's Mug Shot

A study shows that men gain weight after a divorce.  I'm not sure how that's possible.  After alimony and child support, a guy can't afford to eat, plus with her leaving, he lost all that excess baggage.

Chaz Bono will be paired with professional dancer Lacey Schwimmer on the upcoming season of Dancing With The Stars.  After the announcement was made this morning, Lacey was seen drinking a Diet Coke through a short straw.

After their first rehearsal together, Lacey Schwimmer told Chaz, "You know, I admire you for doing this.  It really takes balls."

Scientists report that Texas and Antarctica were once connected.  That would explain the ice water in Rick Perry's veins.

Dick Cheney's memoir is out on bookshelves.  Some book stores are offering a pop-up version.  You open the book and a figure of Cheney in a hunting vest jumps out and shoots you in the face.

......that's all for now............thanks for reading

                                                                                                            Photo:  Catfish



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