Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Today's Jokes by Wendel Potter


Police arrested 130 protesters at an Occupy Chicago march in Grant Park.  The protesters were tipping over park benches in hopes that Oprah had taped prizes underneath.

Moammar Gaddafi has been buried in a secret desert location.  Now it's been reported that a flock of vultures have already uncovered his grave and plucked out his sunglasses.

During an autopsy on Gaddafi, it was discovered that he wore a wig.  The $2.98 price tag was still on it.

The identities of the Casey Anthony jurors are being made public.  That's so we'll be sure to recognize their names when we see them on their book covers.

A report shows that Netflix lost 800,000 customers in the 3rd quarter.  And last night, Fox Sports lost 800,000 viewers in the top of the 1st.

Texas has taken a 3-2 lead over St. Louis in the World Series.   And a study shows that since the Series began last week, there's been a marked increase among Americans in the use of the words "ho hum". 

If Fox's TV ratings get any worse for the World Series, next year the 7th inning stretch will take place during a PBS pledge break.

NBA owners are meeting today to discuss revenue sharing among high revenue and low revenue teams....that's pro basketball's version of the 99% and the 1%.

Lindsay Lohan will get $1 million to pose nude for Playboy.  She's going to strip all the way down to her ankle tracking bracelet.

Two men in George W. Bush masks robbed a bank in Washington.  Then a guy wearing a Dick Cheney mask accidentally shot them.

McDonald's is offering its McRib sandwich again, but for a limited time only.  That's because they figured out if you eat a McRib on a regular basis,  your time will be limited.

....all for now and thanks for reading!


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