Thursday, August 25, 2011

Today's Jokes by Wendel Potter


United Airlines says its pilots will begin using IPads for navigation.  Now, let me get something straight.  They are using IPads to navigate, not eye pads?

A couple in Tennessee who already have 18 children said they are praying for more kids.  Apparently, they say their prayers in bed......

.....apparently in the missionary position.

The Washington Monument was closed yesterday due to structural damage from the earthquake.  It's going to re-open soon only now it'll be called The Leaning Tower of DC.

Former Vice President Dick Cheney's memoir is due out next week.  Cheney says his book will have "heads exploding" all over DC.  Apparently he's planning another hunting trip.

Steve Jobs has resigned as CEO of Apple.  The good folks who work for Apple were a little nervous when they saw the memo header, "Apple Loses Jobs".

Casey Anthony has begun a 1-year probation term for check fraud.  A requirement of her probation is that she must stay in Florida.  Well, you know, when you've been convicted of check fraud, they can't just let you bounce around.

The terms of Casey's probation say she does not have to be employed.   I guess they felt that demanding anybody to find a job in this country was asking way too much.

Casey Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, said that Casey plans to take online courses.  She thought she could easily get an MBA until she found out that MBA does not stand for Manipulative Bitch Award.

...............that's all for today.....thanks for reading!


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