Monday, February 11, 2013

Today's Jokes by Wendel Potter


You've all heard by now that Pope Benedict has resigned.  Some say the pope is not really resigning, he's abdicating.  Abdicating sounds like he's in the gym building up his stomach muscles.

Catholics around the world were expecting Pope Benedict to post the news on his Twitter account.  But the pope hasn't tweeted in two months.  His doctor says that's due to a lack of fiber in his diet.

The last time a Roman Catholic pope resigned was in 1415.  That was yesterday in Church years.

The last pope to resign was Gregory XII.  Technically, he didn't resign.  He was traded to the Greek Orthodox church for three 1st round draft picks.

Pope Benedict is already making plans for his future.  For one thing, he's going to be the official   caller at the cardinals' Monday night bingo game.

What does a pope do when he retires?  He can't go fishing.  Being a fisherman was his job.

Pope Benedict did mention that he was looking forward to sleeping late on Sundays.

The pope said one thing he's going to miss is wearing the papal ring.  He loved having people bow down and kiss the ring and ask for his blessing.  As a matter of fact, he calls the stone in his ring "the kneel diamond."

The pope is going to remain in Vatican City, but will have to vacate the papal living quarters.  You can see more about that on an upcoming HGTV episode of Househunters

......that's all for now.....bless you for reading!


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